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Some ground rules.
These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Be nice to each other and use common sense
Don't use this instance solely to post advertisements. It's a federated social network, not an advertisement place.
Do not publish conspiracy myths.
Do not publish content illegal in Germany and/or the Netherlands, such as holocaust denial or Nazi symbolism
Content promoting the ideology of National Socialism is not allowed.
We have zero tolerance for racism, homophobia, transphobia or simliar content that is hateful towards specific individuals or groups.
Accounts that only crosspost from other platforms without posting exclusive content on here will be removed without a warning.
Do not flood or spam the timeline with posts.
In case you see content that is against the rules or against the laws in Germany / the Netherlands please use the report feature.
If you post NSFW content or about sensible topics please use content warnings.